
This application is for the May/June 2025 online course only.

1.  All applications must be received by 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6 to receive the Early Bird tuition price. Applications received starting on May 7 will not receive the ‘early bird’ tuition and pay full tuition price.
2.  No payment is due when you make an application.
3.  You will be notified if you have been accepted into the program soon after making your application.
3.  If you do not get accepted into the program, you will be placed on the student waitlist.
4.  Applications made after Tuesday, May 6 will be placed on the student waitlist.
5.  If a place in the class opens up, applicants on the student waitlist may be invited to take the class.
Note: You may need to use the scroll bar at the right of the application to fill in all the information.